Aiz loga jau ir pakusis sniegs, straujiem soļiem tuvojas pavasaris, un tas, protams, ir laiks, kad Fizmati izlien no savām ziemas migām, lai dotos kārtējā Laivu braucienā. Šoreiz LB no Kurzemes ir pārcēlies uz otru Latvijas malu un norisināsies Salacas gleznainajā ielejā no 1. līdz 3. maijam (4. maijs arī ir brīvdiena).
Ķeršos uzreiz pie lietas! Laivu braucienam ir izvēlēts Salacas upes posms Mārciemi – Vecsalaca. Karti iespējams apskatīt šeit, bet lūgums ievērot, ka maršuts var tikt nedaudz mainīts. Airējamo posmu kopgarums līdzīgs kā pagājušo gad – 35 km, tā ka var sagatavoties uz pamatīgu airēšanu.
No attāluma jau var noprast, ka arī šogad upē būs jālien visas trīs dienas. Paredzētas sacensības dažādās disciplīnās uz ūdens – ātrumposms, dragreiss, slaloms. No airēšanas brīvajā laikā paredzēta nakts trase, Zupmeistara kauss, Contex Slaloms un sacensības dažādos netradicionālos sporta veidos, kā arī varēs vērot pirmkursnieku cīņu par titulu „Gada aktīvists 2010”.
Kas jādara, lai piedalītos? Sameklē vai iznomā kādu peldlīdzekli, apzvani kursabiedrus, draugus, radus un paziņas – izveido komandu, piesakies, samaksā dalības maksu un airē!
Šogad visiem, kas plāno braukt ar autobusu kaut vai tikai vienā virzienā, ir jāmaksā pilna summa, jo arī stopētāju mantas lielākoties tiek vestas ar autobusu, bez tam stopētāji, kuriem nav paveicies, pusceļā tiek savākti un aizvesti līdz starta vietai. Vietu skaits autobusos ir ierobežots, tāpēc jāpiesakās savlaicīgi.
Līdzīgi kā pagājušo gad, arī šoreiz personīgās mantas un atkritumi jāved līdzi katram savā laivā. Komandu apmetņu vietu tīrīgums tiks pārbaudīts, un var būt arī komandas diskvalifikācija, bez tam LB notiek dabas liegumā, tāpēc nometnes vietas tiek daudz stingrāk uzraudzītas arī no likumsargu puses.
Vadoties no pagājušo gadu pieredzes, ir izlemts, ka visiem LB 2010 dalībniekiem vajadzēs parakstīties, ka paši uzņemas atbildību par savu drošību un veselību.
Esmu ievērojis, ka katru gadu ir neskaidrības ar pieteikšanos kādā no peldlīdzekļu klasēm, tāpēc nelieiels skaidrojums. Pirmkārt, klasi nosaka peldlīdzeklis, nevis cilvēku skaits komandā. Šogad LB ir trīs klases – laiva, plosts un open.
Laiva - piepūšamā laiva, kurā paredzēta vieta līdz 4 cilvēkiem. Ja komanda startē ar vairākām laivām, tas neskaitās plosts, bet reģistrējoties jāpaziņo, ka komanda sastāv no vairākām laivām, vai jāpiesaka katra laiva atsevišķi.
Plosts - ietilpst rafti un glābšanas plosti no 6 cilvēkiem, kā arī dažādi nepopulārāki piepūšami peldlīdzekļi, kas paredzēti vismz 6 cilvēku pārvadāšanai. Maksimālais cilvēku skaits plostā nav ierobežots, bet ieteiktu padomāt par spēju kontrolēt peldlīdzekli.
Open – kanoe, kajaki (arī piepūšami) un cita veida cietās laivas, arī zvejas laivas.
Motorlaivas un minētajās trīs klasēs neietilpstošie peldlīdzekļi startē ārpus konkurences!
Reģistrācija LB 2010 drīzumā tiks atvērta mājas lapā! Cikos ir izbraukšana, kas jāņem līdzi un cita svarīga informācija, tiks paziņota nedaudz vēlāk, respektīvi, sīkāka informācija sekos!
Ja ir kādi jautājumi, zvaniet, rakstiet:
Tel. 28360532; epasts:
Cerēsim, ka tiešām nevajadzēs kādu laivu evakuēt un veikt glābšanas darbus :D
No Ingrīda @ 03.04.2010 20:59
Šodien ziņās Salacu minēja starp tām, kur ūdens līmenis ir stipri virs vidējā un kur tas tuvāko nedēļu laikā īpaši nekritīšoties. Atliek pievienoties Valda cerībām :)
No Juzins @ 05.04.2010 19:41
Negribas jau būt panikas cēlājam, bet ieteiktu pārdzeršanās daļu atstāt krastam. Mazums uzrodas kāda vieta, kur jāpaairē cītīgāk, bet pie samaņas ir palicis viens blonds zaķis
No Laura @ 07.04.2010 04:12
Piekrītu ^^ . Bet diemžēl parasti jau tādiem liekas, ka jūra līdz ceļiem. Nenovērtē situāciju.
Komandu pieteicu, bet norādīju ne to klasi - braucu ar kanoe laivu un pēc šī apraksta var saprast, ka tā ir open klase. Lūdzu kādu atbildīgo šo info izlabot iekš - meilu uz nosūtīt neizdevās, saņēmu atpakaļ šādu atbildi:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (state 14).
No Uģis @ 20.04.2010 15:09
iespējams, ka *gamil* ir pie vainas :)
P.S. salabošu to klasi uz vakarpusi ;)
No MārisB @ 20.04.2010 15:10
Iespējams nosūtīt neizdevās tāpēc, ka īsti nesniedz e-pasta pakalpojumus :)
Bet par lietu runājot - ok, vakarpusē izlabosim šo info.
Par laivaam runaajot,pagaajushajaa gadaa njeemu no bija ok, atsauciigi darbinieki. Vinjiem laikam tur kaut kaadas 2,3 vietiigas laivas un plosti arii cik atceros.
Uģi, vari veikt vēl vienu labojumu? Mūsu komandai nāk klāt vēl viens dalībnieks - Kristīne Eglīte, tikko par viņu samaksāju, vajadzētu info atjaunot arī te:
I got what you intend, thankyou for putting up.Woh I am lucky to find this website through google. Being intelligent is not a felony, but most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. by Lazarus Long.
Some kind of sexual stimulation should be applied for an erection to take place with , .
No Viesis @ 11.04.2018 14:10
It sounds like you would meet that definition and , may be useful for you.
No Viesis @ 05.05.2018 21:12
You are my inspiration, I possess few web logs and rarely run out from to brand.
No Lynell @ 26.02.2019 18:27
Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors
Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is!
Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online)
Vape Wholesalers and distributors
E-Liquid Companies
Vape Event Organisers
Vape magazines
Vape reviewers
Promotional messages
Introductory emails
Guest post outreach for backlink building
Much more
My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at promoted as a resource on our blog ?
We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.
No Bradley @ 29.04.2019 00:12
Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
I was told that many leading companies in the industry are using it with the likes of vapor dna, vape ranger, element eliquids, ie vapor,, marina vape and other big players.
I just wanted to check whether you have used them before as I can see that you have a backlink from so my natural assumption is that you are working with these guys.
Would you recommend them?
No Tristan @ 29.04.2019 02:17
I will create backlinks on my e-liquid and vape blogs built on very high authority domains. Choose the package that most suits your budget and competition you are facing. All extras are highly recommended.
These vape backlinks will help to increase your vape shop's domain authority and search engine rankings as well as your sales.
Simply send me the keywords you would like to rank for and I will create individual blog posts on each vape blog and add a link to your site with your preferred anchor text. I will embed some vape-related images and video reviews.
All work is done manually using content related to your keywords.
All of my blogs are hosted on different servers and have different IP addresses.
I am starting out with my CBD gummies site and need to invest in SEO to rank well on Google but I thought I would check in with you first.
I really appreciate your help.
No Buck @ 29.04.2019 05:01
Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including:
vape shop names
telephone numbers
social media links
locations/physical addresses
Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button.
Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry!
Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered:
Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan.
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site.
It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere.
I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more.
With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read.
Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me.
Frequently Asked Questions
I need more than 10 articles.
You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you.
What makes you a good writer?
My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces.
Can you help me to come up with the topics?
Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles.
How do I choose my blog titles?
I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide.
Why is content important for my blog?
Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
I have written up some articles for your blog. Please feel free to publish them.
If you need more articles, please let me know the topics :)
I am trying to establish a bit of a presence as a CBD blogger and would be most obliged if you could credit each article to CBD Master from
I did not find any good images so it would be good if you could add some of yours.
Have a fab day!
No Romeo @ 30.04.2019 02:37
Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including:
vape shop names
telephone numbers
social media links
locations/physical addresses
Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button.
Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry!
Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered:
Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan.
Do you own an e-liquid or a vape brand? Are you looking to sell your product to vape shops directly? Our UK vape store database is the best and most important investment you will make for your vape business. There is simply no point of having a beautiful website and a great brand if nobody has heard of it or will never see it. Our vape shop database will help to connect your brand with vape stores which will equal to brand exposure, higher sales and greater profit. Just over 500 e-liquid and mod brands have purchased our database and have made significant gains. Some of these brands are already so large that you will have heard of them! Our database of UK vape shops will help you to expand your target audience. There are many ways in which you can use the UK vape shop database including vape email marketing campaigns, newsletters, telemarketing, sending of e-liquid samples, vape shop visits and much more!
I can scrape all the vape shops in your country using my very powerful servers, thousands of dedicated proxies and my custom built software.
I will scrape the likes of Google maps, Yellow Pages, Search Engines and other places.
Scraping your own leads is by far the best way to get fresh and up-to-date leads than buying pre-made vape shop databases and email lists.
If your country is not listed, please order the UK gig if you are based in Europe. For other places, please order the Canada gig.
You will receive an Excel spreadsheet with:
vape shop names
telephone numbers
social media links
*provided vape shops contain this data.
Just to let you know, the software that I will be using is Yoggy's Money Vault Search Engine Scraper and E-Mail Extractor. This is literally the most powerful web scraper in the world that can produce insanely accurate and comprehensive leads!
I wanted to ask for your opinion about the monthly CBD backlink seo package. I can see that you have a backlink from so I assume that you are working with those guys?
I just want to make an informed decision before ordering and thought that there is no better way than to ask some CBD companies in the industry.
Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources.
Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops!
I have written up some articles for your blog. Please feel free to publish them.
If you need more articles, please let me know the topics :)
I am trying to establish a bit of a presence as a CBD blogger and would be most obliged if you could credit each article to CBD Master from
I did not find any good images so it would be good if you could add some of yours.
Have a fab day!
No Dong @ 01.05.2019 03:50
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site.
It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere.
I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more.
With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read.
Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me.
Frequently Asked Questions
I need more than 10 articles.
You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you.
What makes you a good writer?
My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces.
Can you help me to come up with the topics?
Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles.
How do I choose my blog titles?
I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide.
Why is content important for my blog?
Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads.
Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads.
Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors
Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is!
Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online)
Vape Wholesalers and distributors
E-Liquid Companies
Vape Event Organisers
Vape magazines
Vape reviewers
Promotional messages
Introductory emails
Guest post outreach for backlink building
Much more
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package.
Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive:
Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up!
Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness.
Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site.
Paid promotions on popular sites.
Social media signals.
Many more extras!
After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package.
Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive:
Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up!
Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness.
Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site.
Paid promotions on popular sites.
Social media signals.
Many more extras!
Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including:
vape shop names
telephone numbers
social media links
locations/physical addresses
Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button.
Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry!
Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered:
Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan.
I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.
With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.
I can review up to 50 products at most.
I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.
I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).
Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.
This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.
It will take me about a month to complete the review.
The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.
I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.
With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.
I can review up to 50 products at most.
I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.
I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).
Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.
This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.
It will take me about a month to complete the review.
The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.
I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.
With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.
I can review up to 50 products at most.
I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.
I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).
Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.
This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.
It will take me about a month to complete the review.
The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.
Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!
No Kristy @ 20.03.2020 01:04
Explode your wholesale sales with a click of a button. Google: Health Food Shops Email List
No Ettienne @ 20.03.2020 01:13
I'm currently looking at businesses who are close to ranking on
page one of Google, and noticed that your website
is currently in the top 100 pages of search results for
"seo service", which is a profitable phrase we can build on
and push up the rankings.
I know you're very busy and I appreciate your time reading this.
Would you like an edge over your competitors?
If I could save you time and get you more leads
would you be interested?
I'd like to offer you the chance to discuss your business
and see where you can make even MORE money, free of charge.
If interested you can mail me anytime to discuss your business needs,
we do everything from content and video creation, copywriting, competitor
analysis, SEO, digital and social media marketing, Wordpress and sales funnel setup
and design, email marketing campaigns and more.
Everything you need to grow your business online. I'm also available
on Skype should you prefer that over email.
Have a great day!
Kind regards,
No Kent @ 20.03.2020 08:32
Vape Club are one of the UK’s leading online retailers of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other vaping accessories.
Founded and operated by a team of passionate vapers, Vape Club are proud to offer a virtually unmatched range specially tailored to the wider needs of the vaping community. From beginner kits to complex mods – everything you could ever need can be found here.
List with a CBD Shop Directory to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "CBD Shop Directory".
No Belinda @ 31.03.2020 14:31
Fresh from their recent success at a series of major UK award shows, Green Stem CBD has expanded their award-winning CBD enhanced range to include first-to-market CBD infused tonic waters free from sugar, artificial sweeteners and artificial flavourings.
Each can delivers 10mg of the highest quality broad-spectrum CBD and come in three delicious botanical flavours that include Elderflower, Rhubarb & Rose and Citrus. Recommended retail price is £3.00 per can.
CBD – also known as cannabidiol – is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Revered to promote harmonious balance between the mind and body it also supports with an array of conditions including anxiety and insomnia. Crucially, Green Stem CBD products are 100% free of THC, the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, so they are entirely legal and safe to use.
The 250ml cans of tonic are adorned with the same beautiful artwork and design that have made Green Stem one of the most visible CBD companies in the UK and reflect the quality and purity of the ingredients in the can.
The tonic contains extracts of Quassia, a West Indian bitter wood which is known for its zesty flavour and health benefits. Added to the blend is Cinchona bark, one of the most important ingredients in tonic thanks to its high level of digestion-aiding quinine – with Green Stem being amongst the first to use botanically-infused quinine vs chemical extraction.
Manufactured at their HQ in Guildford, Surrey, the Green Stem CBD range is crafted using hemp oil rich in phytocannabinoids, derived from hemp grown organically in Colorado USA. All products are also thoroughly tested, enabling the proven health benefits of CBD to be experienced without any negative side effects.
Setting new standards in the industry, Green Stem CBD recently won a clutch of awards at the UK Hemp and CBD Show, winning Best CBD Oil at events in March and October in 2019.
“We are delighted to have been recognised as one of the game-changers in the wellness industry this year with our award-winning CBD oils, inhalable and skincare products,” said Brett Horth, CEO of Green Stem CBD. “Our new venture into the edibles and drinks sector marks a hugely exciting stage in our journey, and we are certain that our customers will enjoy experiencing the benefits of CBD with these innovative new products.”
Do you want to bring more customers to your business?
We are a team of SEO Specialists that can help you with that.
Our seo packages start at 150$ per month.
Monthly SEO packages:
Complete diversity of LINKS, SOCIAL JUICE & ANCHOR TEXTS.
Regular link building (HIGH DA/PA .edu .gov .org backlinks) - 150$/month
500 words - 10$
1000 words - 20$
1500 words - 30$
2000 words - 40$
2500 words - 50$
3000 words - 60$
3500 words - 70$
4000 words - 80$
4500 words - 90$
5000 words - 100$
We have ranked many businesses over the time, how about you being our next success project?
Or if you simply want to send this type of message to thousands of websites, maybe you have something for sale, we can help you with that and its only 10$ per campaign.
Just throw us an email at and we will take care of everything!
Would you like to know how you can stay anonymous online? Especially if you're working (or plan to work on) email marketing?
Introducing Webshare Proxies!
Despite its price, Webshare is a great option for people who want a cheap proxy service. The free plan comes with ten proxies and one GB of bandwidth, but you can always upgrade to the premium plan if you need more bandwidth.
You can use Webshare Proxy for free if you want to try it out. The proxies are all European, with a few exceptions from Israel and Mexico. Nonetheless, the free plan is a good option to try out for a few days to see how the service works for you. Also, you can use their proxies as you would any other proxy. You can also select from two different plans - one for free and another for paid. While there are some restrictions, these are generally reasonable.
Webshare offers a money-back guarantee for proxies if you are not satisfied with their performance. They offer a refund policy if you're unhappy with your purchase. Unlike other proxy websites, this service doesn't have a trial period or a credit card required. And the best part is, it's free for life! You can't lose if you try it once. So, go ahead and give it a try!
Independent model girl agency Kolkata night love, you will find all kinds of sweet girls, Also Likes Modelling Career and Fashion Show model You can See for Entertainment or fun, Visit our website for details.
We are professional web designer highly experienced in Wordpress, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and CSS. We are always willing to help our customers and offer them the best web project.
What's Special In This GIG?
We will build a responsive Wordpress website for your business. Easy to edit by your company to update all the content efficiently and quickly. 100% Responsive on all devices. This also includes the below services:
Clean, Elegant & Responsive Wordpress Website Design with Blogfully responsive website as per your requirements
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
support & maintenance 24/7
optimal performance of the website.
Some bonuses in my package include:
FREE of COST consultation.
7 days after completion support.
Responsive to any mobile, tablet and desktop
Social Link Integration of your business
Beautiful & Elegant Popups to attract visitor attention
Security and Speed Optimized
If you want To Boost Your Site Ranking On Google First page. You Need To Build Powerful High Quality Dofollow SEO Backlinks Service From High Authority Websites.
Are You Confuse About Website Ranking And Achieving The Targets Of Ranking?
Don’t Worry! I Will Boost your site ranking with High Quality SEO Dofollow Backlinks
white hat link building
Guest Post DA/PA or DR/UR 49~20
High Quality Web Blog Posts
Authority profiles Backlinks
Unique IPs
100% Manual Work and Natural Sites
Unique Content
If you want to improve your SERP position and rank in search results, We recommend you buy the Premium package of the gig. You have the option of Drip-feed. In this strategy, we schedule backlinks for a month or 15 days.
Knock at me if you have any Question or place an order to proceed.
If you are looking for a Modern and Professional Business logo design, then you are at the right place. I will take your brand to the sky by designing it professionally. I have expertise in Typography and will provide you the best services.
How do I work?
- Initially, I make several minimalist logo concepts for you (depending upon the package you selected). Either you choose the winner logo or request for revisions.
100% Original work
Hundreds of Satisfied clients globally
Fluent English
Reliable and Quick communication.
Unlimited revisions
Source and editable files with high quality. (Depending on the package you purchase).
Multiple Styles that I am an expert in
minimalist logo | luxury | professional | modern logo | hand-drawn | feminine | signature | professional | minimal | unique | creative | flat | luxury | business | branding
Kindly select STANDARD or PREMIUM pack for best results similar to my portfolio.
Still, Have queries? Contact me inbox anytime!
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I am an online freelancer specialising in reputation management and public relations. I would be delighted to assist with its online publicity and site traffic. I have prepared a couple of services that are available off-the-shelf:
I look forward to working with
Warm Regards
No Veronica @ 16.03.2023 15:37
My name is Veronica and I am the affiliate manager for a selection of well-known brands. I am presently working with Peaches and Screams, one of the leading online lingerie and sex shops.
I have conducted a detailed analysis of and can see that your site's audience would be a great fit for Peaches and Screams. Recently, one of your competitors has made a monthly affiliate income of over $10,000 which demonstrates the potential of your site.
I would like to offer you to monetise your site by promoting Peaches and Screams on and your social media channels. Once you register, you will receive a unique link and when someone makes a purchase on Peaches and Screams via that link, you would earn a commission from that customer for life. According to our survey, 8/10 adults use or have used sex toys at some point in their lives and 5/10 adults are not afraid to discuss their sex lives. This opens up a very large target audience that could open up a profitable stream of passive income for your business.
We operate our affiliate program by invitation only. I have already pre-approved for our affiliate program.
Please note that soon we will be closing our affiliate program to new applicants in order to dedicate more time to the management and support of our affiliates. Do not miss this window of opportunity.
I look forward to having you on the team!
Best wishes
Veronica Klass
No Errol @ 17.03.2023 08:32
Dear Business owner,
As a business owner, you know how important it is to reach out to your customers and potential customers. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to do that, and GetResponse is here to help. Our AI email marketing tool is easy to use and will revolutionize the way you reach out to your audience.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Try GetResponse today.
We know that time is money, and as a business owner, you need to be as productive as possible. GetResponse can help you save time while increasing your revenue. Our AI email marketing tool is designed to help you create targeted campaigns that drive sales.
Why waste your time on ineffective marketing strategies? GetResponse can help you take your business to the next level. Try it out today!
Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.
I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.
I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.
Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.
Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs
Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.
I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.
I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.
Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.
Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs
With my Expertise In Website designing on Word press , WIX Shopify and square space , I will Get your work done with top priority .
EXPERINCE : I have 2+ Years of experience in website development & Designing and have been working on Word press ,Shopify ,WIX and Square space for more than 2 Years . Have done many projects for my personal clients with good and positive reviews . Have done professional work for designing of websites with an Agency as well for almost a year .
HONESTY : I will be transparent and Upfront with you about your work and will not waste any of your time . I will decide the amount of the project and delivery time of the project with you and If I will be unable to do anything I'll let you know so that you can save your time .
. Unlimited revisions
. Highly experienced
. easy to use on mobile
. Discounts for the repetitive users
. I can work on WIX web sites
. I can work on WordPress web sites
. I can work on Shopify web sites
. I can work on Square Space web site
What i will do ?
i will do create High dr domain rating quality permanent back links for this job. we use contextual back-links these links will boost your scores
A video ad that tells a story, aligns with your brand, and makes them do something. Makes them click and go to your website finally.
I have helped more than 500 clients (and counting) become better, effective, and successful with a powerful tool of the video ad.
Don't believe me? I get it. Please scroll down a bit and see for yourself. There are hundreds of client reviews on my profile for you to make sure that I am the right fit for you to make your business, brand, event, product, service or website stand out in the crowd.
Easy. Select your desired package, click on that "Continue" button and place your order today.
If you have any queries, please shoot me a message anytime. I have a 100% response rate.
Still, think you can compete without video?
Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.
I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.
I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.
Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.
Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs
With my Expertise In Website designing on Word press , WIX Shopify and square space , I will Get your work done with top priority .
EXPERINCE : I have 2+ Years of experience in website development & Designing and have been working on Word press ,Shopify ,WIX and Square space for more than 2 Years . Have done many projects for my personal clients with good and positive reviews . Have done professional work for designing of websites with an Agency as well for almost a year .
HONESTY : I will be transparent and Upfront with you about your work and will not waste any of your time . I will decide the amount of the project and delivery time of the project with you and If I will be unable to do anything I'll let you know so that you can save your time .
. Unlimited revisions
. Highly experienced
. easy to use on mobile
. Discounts for the repetitive users
. I can work on WIX web sites
. I can work on WordPress web sites
. I can work on Shopify web sites
. I can work on Square Space web site
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to invite you to join Proven Zenith, a multinational company that specializes in Return on Investment related Systems services.
Our company catalog and corporate website offer more information about our services, which have been designed to help investors achieve their financial goals. With clients, investors, partners, distributors, resellers, and other stakeholders in over 100+ countries across the world, we have established ourselves as a reputable and trustworthy multinational Investment Company.
Our vision is to grow our company and become a major multinational Investment Company in many countries across the globe. We believe that there are many opportunities for our services and products, and we are always open to legal investment options that will help us achieve this growth.
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By joining our platform, you will have access to a range of investment options and opportunities. You can be confident that your investment is in good hands, and you will have the opportunity to benefit from our global vision for growth.
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